Hi & Assalamualaikum!
Today Im gonna share what has been in my mind since last week 😅 Google define paralysis as the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically as a result of illness, poison, or injury. Our body macam in pause mood gitu.
Have you ever imagine yourself fell into state of paralysis? Few weeks back, my neighbor kena stroke at age of 39. Pretty young kan, plus she had no known medical illness previously. Her condition actually agak severe, on tracheostomy, Ryles tube and her mental state also affected. Out of sudden, my mum cakap sedih kan, bila dah jadi macam tu. Macam mana nak beribadah and so on. Time tu, I just iyakan je la without thinking that much.
Tapi bila fikir balik kan, at least for me, macam dah terbiasa fikir yang bila orang cakap dah tak boleh beribadat tu automatically akan ingat mati je semata. But actually nikmat beribadah tu bila-bila je Allah SWT boleh tarik termasukla bila dia tarik nikmat sihat. My point here is bila kita sakit yang may restrict our movement dan terpaksa depends on other untuk urusan harian, of course ibadah kita akan terganggu, and things could be worse kalau kita in coma state.
So, let's take this chance, selagi Allah SWT tak tarik nikmat sihat ni untuk baiki ibadat kita. It's hard, I know and aku sendiri pun iman selalu naik turun. Dah nama pun manusia kan.
Today is 7th day of Restriction Movement Order or known as RMO due to COVID-19, baaaaaanyak sangat aktiviti harian yang terpaksa on hold sekarang. No mass gathering includes solat berjemaah di masjid @ surau, no outdoor activities, limited food stock. Pendek kata tak boleh keluar rumah without alasan kukuh. Hopefully things get better so that ibadah umrah & haji dapat dibuat tahun ni. Semoga semua ni jugak selesai sebelum Ramadhan is here.
Let's take a moment, pray to Allah SWT supaya bantu kita and all around the world during this battle against this virus. Semoga semua pesakit cepat sembuh and our frontliners keep bersemangat and dikurniakan kesihatan berpanjangan. Im being emo since my sisters and BIL are part of KKM community. Terpaksa tinggal anak dengan family member yang lain due to unavoidable issue.
Keep calm, keep clean and stay at home ppl!
Physio yang terpaksa stop taking patient for a while hihu