Wednesday 31 January 2018


Its been soooooo long since my last post. I laughed hard when I look at the date. It's 2016 babe, now we are already in 2018. 😅Lots of things happened since then. Like seriously, it's LOTS. Well, let me highlight few thing that happened during this period. Firstly, yeay to me guys! Im already in my final year of degree life. During my last post, I did not even start my first clinical posting yet, but now, in few days, I am ready for my forth and insyaAllah my last clinical posting already. Moga result that will come out tomorrow baik2 saje. Cuak oi, tak sanggup nak repeat posting 😓

I would like to share my clinical posting experience but maybe next time. Saje nak cari mood je ni since dah lama tinggal scene tulis2 ni haha. The rest, let's enjoy the photos je la. Too much to sum up in one post hee

My HTAA squad takes Terengganu 

girls @ gambang waterpark

Funky girls  💓

Attending Unaa's wedding @ Taiping

23th birthday surprise tak jadi kihkih
Our class trip, LGXBESERAH 🙆

Our annual family gathering last year plg best sbb pegi holiday ramai ramai. The only one tak ada masa tu my adik only. #mtcfd 💗 it's mok tok clan family day.

Penampakan makhluk putih 😝

semangat kemain main games

Raya 2017
ini paling sendu, sending them off to umrah but Im left alone in Terengganu to complete my clinical posting.
Despite all the good things happened during this period, my mak tok left us on 23 November 2017. Im so glad sbb last year byk kali buat family gathering. Time family day tu, she was so happy walaupun dia duduk tepi je tengok cucu-cicit dia bising main games & mandi pantai. She never expressed how happy she was, but we knew it from her body language and smile. We will always remember all your pesanan mok tok. Missing you. Always 💓😢😭

Till next time, XO