Wednesday, 1 January 2020

IT'S 2020 GUYS!!!

*sapu sawang*

Well hello there. It's been a long time since I publish something here. I did write some previously but its all end up as a draft. Idk whats actually happen to me but I do feels like somehow I lost the old me. Adulting surely hard. Everything is challenging and I had less confidence to face everything. I wish I could tell to younger me previously that life is not easy as it seems.

True story, back then masa sekolah rendah, my imagination as easy as nanti habis belajar, then dapat kerja pastu kahwin,ada anak & happily ever after. Wahhh easy betul hidup aku ni 😅😝 

Fast forward, up to this day. Im doing fine. Still survived. Previously, had a chance to be a clinical instructor at Hospital Dungun and IIUMMC. Boleh tahan unreal jugak la feeling dia bila kau kerja dekat tempat yang pernah posting masa belajar dulu. Tetiba boleh geng dengan physio sana haha 😂

Dear kiddos yang pernah I ajar, Im doing my best to teach and help you in any possible ways that I could. I hope you guys nothing but success here and hereafter. Be a good physiotherapist that could return back to our community. Okeh acah mcm diorang baca sini kan.

This 2020, my biggest challenge would be sustaining my little baby, Ohana Physiotherapy Hub. A big decision indeed for me but I will do my best so that I would not regret my decision 💪
Dedulu buat blog ni sebab I rasa I am lacking in expressing my feelings esp to my loved one. The only way I could express it better is through writing. Therefore, one of my 2020 resolution is to write more. This year, I will find myself again. The old Nabilah but with upgraded self-loved version.

Happy new year! May this 2020 brings boundless blessings to us.

Till next time ppl.

XOXO, billl